Monday, August 19, 2013

{Eat to Live} Detox Truths

Obviously, I'm not very good at posting my meals daily during this detox.  Honestly speaking, I realized I really don't want to talk about what I'm eating because I'm thinking about what I committed to not eating. I'll call it a detox survival technique.

And I usually think about taking pictures when I'm almost done, if at all, but this week I was better with taking them. Here's a quick recap of Days 4-6.  I'll share Days 7-10 later in the week.

Day 4

I was on the move for Day 4. I started with warm water with lemon as usual. For breakfast I had a green smoothie with peaches, mango, spinach, celery and coconut water. 

I packed a lovely lunch that I couldn't keep cold after a change in my plans for the day. Because I was out longer than planned, I shared my lunch with a friend and opted for garlic steamed kale and brussel sprouts from Sunflower Cafe in Berry Hill, which I forgot to capture. 

Lunch was more than enough for the rest of the day, so I had a desire for grapes later that evening. 

Day 5

My cravings came alive on Day 5. I wanted everything. At this point I've learned the best way for me to fight these cravings is to stick to liquids until they pass. 

After my warm water with lemon, I had Metu Neter, a combination of celery, Granny Smith apples, broccoli and cucumber. I found this recipe and some of my current favorites at Vegan Wasted during a detox last year. 

During the day, I ate lots of water-rich fruit including watermelon and grapes. For dinner I had a green smoothie with spinach, celery, mango and blueberries.  It worked. I didn't cave in to the cravings. 

Day 6

After water with lemon I had a green smoothie made of spinach, celery, peaches and coconut water. 

Having a green smoothie in the morning sets the tone of the day for me and as long as I have fruit, water and nuts, I'm good. I also made the same green smoothie from the previous day after dinner, which was a salad with vinegrette dressing I found online.  It wasn't very good to me, so I won't share it here.  Back to the lab on that one.

As a general rule, I drink water constantly throughout the day to help my body move any toxins it wants to release.

Life, Health and Prosperity,

Sunday, August 18, 2013

{Eat To Live} Life In A Jar

Variety and convenience are the main themes of this detox.  I want to create meals that are both healthy and tasty, so I decided to try my hand at making salad dressings.  I thought this might bring in variety by giving my vegetables and salads and it was a good move.

Vegan Green Goddess Dressing

The first dressing I tried convinced me it would not be my last.  It really was as simple as making a smoothie and I had most of the ingredients on hand. I chose the Vegan Green Goddess Dressing share on Oh She Glows because of the avocado base and it did not disappoint.  I did not vary the recipe this time, but I do plan to experiment with this one more.

It was good as a dressing and a dip for raw veggie and the best part of my first attempt at a "Salad in a Jar." I first saw this on Pinterest and realized the potential during this detox. The trick to keeping everything fresh is to keep the greens separate from the dressing.  I plan to experiment some sprouts and beans or lentils for other lunch options.

Salad in a Jar with Green Goddess Dressing

Life, Health and Prosperity,


{Eat to Live} Green Smoothie Love

This week I tried another tip I found on Pinterest from The Rowdy Stroudy to make my smoothies better.  I'm not a fan of ice and I freeze bananas for fruit smoothies, but I had no equivalent for green smoothies.

Spinach was a good candidate because it wilts quickly and works well in most smoothies.  I like to use fresh fruits and veggies in smoothies, but I love this option.

Spinach Cubes
Spinach Puree

I packed the 40oz. bowl of my food processor with spinach, added 1/4 cup of water and few seconds later I had enough for 3-4 smoothies depending on other ingredients.  ,the frozen spinach gives my smoothies the texture I like as well.  I love it when a little prep goes a long way.

Frozen Spinach Cubes

Life, Health and Prosperity,

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

{Eat to Live} Life Is A Matter Of Balance

When I first started to give my body a break with a detox or cleanse on a regular basis, I ate the same things repeatedly. It worked well for me because I didn't have to think much about it. One of the biggest challenges with honoring a detox is the mental shift required to find satisfaction in foods I may not eat consistently.  This time, I've decided to add some variety and try some of the recipes I've collected.

With that said, this seems like a perfect time to share my food explorations for those who may see a detox as punishment.  In my experience, many people feel like they are going to starve during a detox.  Don't get me wrong, I get hungry.  But I get hungry everyday.  I'm used to that.   The key is to prepare so I don't fall into the habit of eating what is convenient.

I'm excited to share a few new things I tried for Day 4 so stay tuned. Here's to food that is good to us and for us!

Life, Health and Prosperity,

Friday, August 9, 2013

{Self-Care} Summer Detox 2013

"All it takes is 10 days EACH month to naturally cleanse your body for OPTIMAL health and vitality!"                                                                                    
                                                                                                             -Koya Webb

I'm late in the season, but I'm finally taking on my summer detox.  I'm joining wholistic health and wellness coach Koya Webb for her monthly detox which she begins on the 10th of each month for 10 days.  If you're interested in joining in this month or next, see the rules below.

Koya offers shopping lists, food and juice recipes to support participants in their journey.  One of my biggest challenges right now is maintaining variety as I continue to build healthier eating habits.  This detox will be about delighting food foods that are just as good to me as they are for me.

For more on Koya and to take a look at her products that may assist in your own detox, visit her online at

Life, Health and Prosperity,


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

{Self-Care} The Dry Brush Massage

During my last detox, I discovered the benefits of dry brushing and it seems many of you enjoy it as well. I shared my experience with the Swan Wholistic community on Facebook which brought me the opportunity to find out a bit more about dry brushing from Ama Opare of Opare Integrative Health Care.

Ama is a gourmet raw vegan chef, author and public speaker as well as a committed educator and program director.  Ama has supported adults and children in a variety of areas and she currently uses her experience in education to support clients of Opare Integrative Health Care, which she co-owns with her husband Dr. Nana Kwkau Opare.  Dr. Opare began practicing medicine in the mid-80s and has combined his background in food, nutrition, dietetics acupuncture with medicine to create a integrative practice that serves the mind, body and spirit of their clients.

Ama Opare and Dr. Nana Kwkau Opare of Opare Integrative Health Care, Atlanta, GA.

The Opares include the dry brush massage as part of their juice fasting protocol.  Ama was kind enough to share their protocol below if you are interested in adding it to your self-care routine or next detox.

"During the fast a dry brush massage is done daily before the morning shower. The body releases toxins through the skin. The brushing aids the sloughing off of dead skin sells. Use a natural bristle brush with a long handle. Do not use nylon or synthetic fiber brushes, they are too sharp and may damage the skin.
Starting at the feet brush in circular motion until skin in rosy. Follow the direction of the arrows below. Red indicates moving downward, blue moving upward. Move up the front and inside of the legs, the front of the body, and then down the inside of the arms.
Next, move up the back of the arms and then down the back of the body and the back and outside of the legs." 

Opare Health Care

Courtesy of Opare Health Care, Atlanta, GA.

Connect with Opare Integrative Health at for more info on their juice fasting protocols available online soon.  Get other health news, healing techniques, recipes and more from The Opares on Facebook and Twitter.