Thursday, May 23, 2013

{Self-Care} The Other Lemon Water

It seems more people know the benefit of adding fresh lemon to drinking water and I'm one of them.  I learned things here and there over the years, but in the last few months, I've really understood how lemons can aid in the body's need to move toxins out of the body daily.

As my quest to drink a sufficient amount of water daily continues, I've tried all kinds of things only to remember it is always best to keep it simple.  Having a glass of lemon water in the morning has become second nature but I still needed to manage the rest of the day.  I decided to join the "fruit infusion" gang to bring to some flavor to my water.

Its the little things we do that bridge us to our goals.

After a few interesting combinations, I finally went back to where it all started for me : Cucumber. I first had water with cucumber over five years ago while traveling.  I made four trips to that water cooler in one hour, which I attributed to the hot summer day.  When SWAN and I started to drink a gallon in less than 24 hours, I knew it was giving me something my body needed.  So why fight it?

Cucumber is known to benefit the skin and I have noticed a difference in both my skin and SWAN's; however, I'm most excited that its helped me to drastically increase my water intake.   The beverage dispenser I used was the largest, most convenient container I had and it added a level of ease that is working for me.  Simplicity wins again.

Life, Health, and Prosperity.


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